Based on the low energy QCD Lagrangian theory and the crossing symmetry relation, strange meson photoproduction and its associated radiative capture on the proton are investigated in the [SUSF(6) × O(3)]sym . × SUc(3) quark mode/of baryon structure with only one same input parameter, the only strong coupling constant aM. Calculations for the cross sections, p-polarization of γ + P → K^+ + A reaction and the branching ratios for K^- radiative capture of K^- + p → γ + Y with Y = A, ∑^0 are performed. Good agreements to data are obtained and the results show that, compared to traditional phenomenological models, the low energy QCD Lagrangian theory provides a successful, unifled description of the strange meson photo-production and its associated radiative capture.
The project supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 10247004 and 10565001 and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi Province of China under Grant Nos. 0575020, 0481030 and 0542042