

Currents Sensitive to Amiloride in Mouse Spermatogenic Cells
摘要 目的研究记录小鼠生精细胞上表皮钠通道电流。方法应用机械分离获得小鼠单个生精细胞,采用全细胞膜片钳技术记录上皮钠离子通道电流。结果当钳制电位在-50mV、指令电压-100~+40mV、步阶电压10mV,测试脉冲为200ms时,可记录到一快速激活并且不失活的电流。细胞外液中加入1μmol/L的阿米诺利能显著性抑制该电流,并呈现出两类不同的作用(抑制率分别为58.49±9.82%,31.44±5.69%)。结论电流特性和阿米诺利敏感性特征表明,生精细胞上所记录到的电流是上皮钠通道电流。 Objective To observe epithelial sodium channels (ENaC) currents in spermatogenic cells. Method Epithelial sodium channels were obtained in acutely dissociated mouse spermatogenic cells using whole-cell patch clamp. Results The currents were evoked by 200 ms test pulses between -100-+40 mV in 10 mV increments from a holding potential (HP) of-50 mV. Test pulses elicited rapidly activating and non-inactivating Na^+ current. Na^+ currents amplitude were significantly reduced by adding Amiloride (1 μmol/L) to the external solution, and displayed two kinds of inhibition effects (the ratio of 58.49%±9.82%, 31.44%±5.69%). Conclusion The characteristics of such currents and sensitive to Amiloride all approved that these currents recorded from mouse spermatogenic cells were produced through epithelial sodium channels.
出处 《实验动物与比较医学》 CAS 2006年第3期131-133,139,共4页 Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30571555) 国家973基础研究重大资助项目(2002CB512908)
关键词 生精细胞 全细胞膜片钳技术 上皮钠通道 小鼠 Spermatogenic cells Whole-cell patch clamp Epithelial sodium channels Mouse
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