

Compare the Intellectual Property Rights with the Anti-monopoly Law
摘要 知识产权与反垄断法之间存在着复杂的关系,反垄断法对知识产权的滥用进行限制,在维护自由公平竞争的同时,也使知识产权法律制度得到正确的实施。当前国际社会的几种知识产权中的反垄断立法各具特色,基于现实需要,我国应当出台一部全面、系统的反垄断法,并以其为基本原则和精神,完善我国知识产权中的反垄断立法。 The intellectual property rights has a complex it. On the base of guaranteeing fair competition, relation with the anti-monopoly law, and is limited by the latter can make the former obtain the correct implementation. Among the current several kinds of intellectual property rights, the legislations of anti-monopoly law vary from country to country. Regarding our country's reality, this article believes that our country must bring out one comprehensive and systematic antimonopoly law, and take it as the basic principle and spirit, so as to consummate the legislation of anti-monopoly law of our country's intellectual property rights.
作者 朱世贾
出处 《安徽警官职业学院学报》 2006年第4期19-22,共4页 Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Police Officers
关键词 知识产权 反垄断 立法 启示 intellectual property rights anti-monopoly legislation enlightenment
  • 相关文献


  • 1Section of antitrust Law, American Bar Association, The 1995 Federal Antitrust Guidelines for the Licensing of Intellectual Property,Commentary and text,p.5
  • 2Section of antitrust Law, American Bar Association, The 1995 Federal Antitrust Guiddines for the Licensing of Intellectual Property,Commentary and text,p.5
  • 3Continental T.V., inc., v. GTE Sylvania, Inc. 433 U.S. 36 (1977).
  • 4Charles F. Rule, Dqouty Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division, Department of Juice, Antitrust Implication of International Licensing: After the Nine No - No' s, Remarks to the World Trade Ass' n and Cincinnati Patent Law Ass' n, October 21, 1986
  • 5Section of antitnast Law, Amexiean Bar Association, The 1995 Federal Antilaust Guidelines for the Licensing of Intellectual Prtgerty,Commentary and text,p.9
  • 6See U.S. Depamnent of Justice, Antitrust Guidelines for International Operations.
  • 7Antiaust Guidelines for the Licensing of Intellectual Property, Issued by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission, April 6, 1995.
  • 8[日]福田彻男著 廖正衡译.《市场竞争中的知识产权》[M].商务印书馆,2000年版.第13页.
  • 9王晓哗 [日]伊从宽.《竞争法与经济发展》[M].社会科学文献出版社,2003年版.第214-215页.








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