针对中国石油天然气管道局中标的泰国WANG NOI KAENG KOI酸性天然气管道输送工程以及输送气体介质情况,选用超低硫和低镍钢的钢管。介绍了管道施工焊接技术要求及焊接材料的选用,制定了焊接工艺规程,进行了焊接工艺评定,并从环保健康的角度对紧靠高速公路敷设段的无损检测措施和安全要求提出了建议。
Regarding to WANG NOI KAENG KOI acid pipeline project won by CPPC,transmitting gas has been analyzed and low S and low Ni pipe has been defined.The article introduces pipeline weld technical requirements,weld consumption confirmed,weld procedure specification drafted,weld procedure qualification and also puts forwards to suggestion on non-destructive test and safety requirements based on the pipeline near express way.
Welded Pipe and Tube