
行政行为公定力理论基础探究 被引量:1

The Exploration About the Basic Theory of the Determination of Executive Act
摘要 行政行为公定力的理论基础是建立行政行为公定力制度的理论支撑。既往的行政行为公定力理论基础学说没有把握住公定力的实质。要解释行政行为的公定力问题,必须从行政权的产生、运作以及对其的救济控制这一整个过程来分析。据此,行政权的正当性、社会对行政权的尊重和行政权的救济控制组成了行政行为公定力的理论基础。 The basic theory of the determination of executive act is the theoretic support for establishing the system of the determination of executive act. Previous theories about the basic theory of the determination of executive act did not master the nature of the determination of executive act. For explaining the determination of executive act, one should analyze it from the whole process which includes the producing of executive power.the operation of executive power and the relief control of executive power . So the legality of executive power .the respect to executive power by the society and the relief control of executive power constitute the basic theory of the determination of executive act.
作者 朱正宏
机构地区 安徽大学法学院
出处 《哈尔滨学院学报》 2006年第9期62-65,共4页 Journal of Harbin University
关键词 行政行为公定力 理论基础 行政权 the determination of executive act the basic theory executive power
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