
长江口赤潮多发区潜在有毒藻类和赤潮毒素的初步调查 被引量:13

The preliminary investigation of potentially toxic algae and bio-toxin in Changjiang Estuary
摘要 通过长江口赤潮多发区2003年-2005年的有毒藻类和贝类原产地赤潮毒素的监测,初步结果表明该海域存在多种潜在有毒藻类,主要包括产麻痹性贝毒(PSP)的链状亚历山大藻(Alexandrium catenella)、塔玛亚历山大藻(A.tamarens),产腹泻性贝毒(DSP)的渐尖鳍藻(Dinophysis acuminata,)、具尾鳍藻(D.caudata)、倒卵形鳍藻(D.fortii);产记忆缺失性贝毒(ASP)的尖刺拟菱形藻(Pseudo-Nitzschia pungens)、多列拟菱形藻(P.multiseries)、柔弱拟菱形藻(P.delicatissima )和多纹拟菱形藻(P.multistriata);产神经性贝毒(NSP)的短凯伦藻(Karenia brevis),其他有毒有害藻类包括红色裸甲藻(Gymnodinium sanguineum)、Heterocapsa circularisquama、米氏凯伦藻(K.mikimotoi)、Chatenela marina,Heterisigma akashiwo等其他有毒藻类。有毒藻类种类5、6月份较多,产腹泻性贝毒(DSP)和产记忆缺失性贝毒(ASP)的潜在有毒藻类常年均在该海域出现,这些有毒有害藻类多数密度并不高,Heterocapsa cirularisquama曾在2003年和2005年两次形成赤潮,并导致部分养殖贻贝死亡,米氏凯伦藻于2005年5-6月在长江口海域形成大规模赤潮,并导致养殖鱼类死亡。与有毒藻类监测同步开展了赤潮毒素检测,长江口贝类赤潮毒素检出时段主要集中在5-8月份,麻痹性贝毒和腹泻性贝毒的检出率分别为5%和15%左右,敏感种类为养殖的紫贻贝。 According to the preliminary investigation in Changjiang Estuary during 2003 and 2004, there are 15 potentially toxic algae including PSP causing algae ( Alexandrium catenella, A. tamarens), DSP causing algae( Dinophysis acuminata, D. caudata, D. fortii ), ASP causing algae ( Karenia breve), NSP causing algae( Pseudo-Nitzschia pungens, P. multiseries, P. multistriata, P. delicatissima ) ,and other toxic algae ( Gymnodinium sanguineum , Karenia mikimotoi, Chatenela marina, Heterisigma akashiwo, Heterocapsa circularisquama). The species number and abundance of potentially toxic algae are relatively more in May and Jun. than other seasons, which is consistent with the contents of PSP and DSP in mollusk in Shenshan. The DSP and NSP causing algae can be found in all season. Heterocapsa circularisquama caused HAB on Jun. 2003 and Jul. 2005, which caused some cultured mussel dead. Karenia mikimotoi caused great loss during the HAB on May 2005 in nearby sea area. The detection rates for PSP and DSP were about 5% and 15% respectively.
出处 《海洋环境科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第A01期15-19,共5页 Marine Environmental Science
基金 国家"十五"科技攻关计划(2001BA603B) 2005年度上海市财政项目
关键词 长江口 有毒藻类 赤潮毒素 Changjiang Estuary potentially toxic algae biotoxin
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