Ever since the new century, Japan-Taiwan relation had been up rapidly, Out of its own strategic interest, Japanese leaders in power, while in the name of maintaining "the 1972's framework", have gradually lowered the limits in concerning Japan-Taiwan official contacts, making efforts to penetrating Taiwan in an attempt to affect the political development within the island and the Cross Strait relations. The drastically readjustment of Japan's Taiwan policy by Japanese leaders in power in the new century serves as one of the important strategic measures in its process of being a "normal state", reflecting the intention of certain Japanese political force to make use of Taiwan Question as a strategic card to contain China's development. But owing to being restricted by all kinds of factors domestically and abroad, Japan has to think twice before promoting its substantial relations with Taiwan and in the future to come the above-mentioned promotion might no be able to reach as far as the U.S. does. However, we muse pay high attention to the role Japan plays in the Cross Strait game.
Taiwan Research Journal
Japan-Taiwan relation , the strategic card, the Cross Strait game