
构建无线自组网仿真场景 被引量:3

Constructing Simulation Scenarios for MANETs
摘要 计算机仿真是测试评估网络协议性能的基本技术,而无线自组网技术是一项新兴的热门无线网络技术。目前为止还没有文章对无线自组网计算机仿真技术进行综合介绍。因此,本文以构建易用合理的无线自组网仿真场景为目标,从仿真软件、仿真场景和移动模型这三个方面综合说明了构建无线自组网仿真场景的相关技术。本文对三种通用网络仿真软件NS-2,Glomosim和OPNET进行了分析比较,介绍了无线自组网研究中几种典型的仿真场景,最后介绍了常用的几个节点移动模型,分析了移动模型存在的问题及解决方法。本文对构建无线自组网仿真环境具有指导借鉴意义。 Computer simulation is a basic technique of testing and evaluating the performance of network protocols. Wireless ad-hoc network (MANETs) is a developing and promising wireless network technologies attracting many research efforts. However, no comprehensive introduction to the technologies of computer simulations on MANETs has been performed. Hence, aiming at constructing applicable and reasonable simulation scenarios, the paper introduced the correlating technologies through 3 aspects: network simulator, simulation scenario, and mobility models. Firstly, the paper made comparative study on three general network simulators, NS - 2, Glomosim, and OPNET. And then, the paper showed several typical scenarios widely used in simulations of MANETs. At last, the paper introduced several typical mobility modes as well as some problems of mobility models and the corresponding resclvents. The paper can be used as guidance for constructing simulation scenarios of MANETs.
出处 《宇航学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期806-813,818,共9页 Journal of Astronautics
关键词 计算机仿真 网络仿真软件 仿真场景 移动模型 Computer simulation Network simulator Simulation scenario Mobility model
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