目的:探讨毁损性骨折的早期临床处理办法。方法:15例均采用超关节外固定器固定治疗,共12膝,7踝。结果:12例愈合良好,3 ̄6个月去除外固定器行关节功能训练,1年后其中6例行膝关节置换,2例膝关节融合,4例踝关节融合,1例愈合后转上级医院治疗(1膝,1踝);3例创口感染,1例经皮瓣转移置管灌洗治疗愈合膝、踝均强直,拒绝治疗,另2例转上级医院(2膝,1踝)。结论:外固定器超关节固定治疗膝、踝关节的毁损性骨折是一种简单有效的办法。
Objective To evaluate the early clinical treatment of the comminuted fracture. Method 15 cases were all treated with hyperardcular fixation of external fixation device and 12 cases in knees and 7 in ankles. Results 12 cases healed well and they had articular function exercises without the help of the external flxadon device 3~6 months later. One year later, 6 cases had replacement of the knees, 2 cases the knees coalesced, 4 cases the ankles coalesced and 1 case went to the super hospital after concrescence(1 knee, 1 ankle). 3 cases of tresis vulnus infection. Among the three cases, 1 had agglutination after the treatment of the percutaneous transplantation and the luminal clysis. The padents then refused the treatment because of the ankylosis of the knee and the ankle. Another 2 cases went to the superhospital (2 knees, 1 ankle). Conclusion The hyperarticular fixadon of the external fixation device is an easy and effecdve method to treat the comminuted fracture of the knee and the ankle.
Jilin Medical Journal
External fixation device
Hyperarticular fixation
Comminuted fracture