The narrative of Chinese literature in the market time has a salient feature: the market narrative comes from the integration of literature by market ideology, and the narrative consciousness in the market narrative and the realistic will to live in the market time reach a consensus. Any kind of literary narrative could only escape from ideological influence to a certain extent. But the question comes: how to find the relationship between the narrative and the realistic imagination. At the literary condition of the market time, to realize the basic point of the historical spirit and ideology is to find a mixed place between the individual speech and the historical speech, and the one between the individual attitude of life and the general freedom for human beings. At a matter of course, the ideological narrative might not be apart from the historieal narrative, the spiritual narrative and the narrative of human nature. The literary narrative is the one of historical activities and of the historical spirit at the same time, as the link between history and literature should be an integrative narrative combined with history and spirit.
Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University
ideology, market narrative, historical narrative, spiritual narrative, the narrative of human nature