[目的]通过调查中国15个中心城市0~6岁儿童铅中毒的影响因素,为制定防止环境铅污染,保护儿童健康政策提供科学依据.[方法]采用分层整群随机抽样的方法在全国15个中心城市中采集0~6岁儿童末梢血17 141份,采用原子吸收光谱法测定血铅水平.同时进行问卷调查.采用多元回归分析方法进行结果分析.[结果]中国城市儿童血铅总体均值为59.52μg/L,10.45%的儿童血铅水平≥100μg/L(1μmol/L=0.00 483μg/L).多元回归分析表明:儿童生活居住环境、父母的状况以及儿童生活或卫生习惯、饮食以及营养状况影响儿童血铅水平.[结论]儿童生活居住环境、父母的教育状况以及儿童生活或卫生习惯、饮食以及营养状况会影响儿童的血铅水平.应制定相关法规,降低环境铅水平,大力进行健康教育,合理营养.
[Objective] Investigate the related risk factors among children aged 046 years old living in cities in China and to provide scientific data for making policy on preventing environmental lead pollution for children health protection. [Methods] Stratified clustered-random sampling was used. 17 ]4] peripheral blood samples of 0-6 years old children from ]5 cities in China were tested. Tungsten atomizer absorption spectrophotometer was employed to determined blood lead level. Meanwhile, related factors were investigated using a standardized questionnaire. Data were analyzed with multiple regression on related risk factors which affecting blood lead levels. [Results] The mean blood lead level of 0-6 years old children from 15 cities in China was 59.52 μg/L with 10.45% of those ≥100 μg/L(1 μmol/L=0.00 483μg/L). The risk factors which influenced children's blood lead levels mainly included the house dwelling, their parent's education, social status and hobby, children's behavior habit, dieting habit and nutritional condition. [Conclusions] The risk fac tors which result in childhood lead poisoning mainly include the house dwelling, their parent's education,social status and hobby, children's behavior habit, dieting habit and nutritional condition. Government and society should concern on the problem of childhood lead poisoning. Policies that help to decline the environmental lead level should be made and information on health education and reasonable nutrition should he widely provided to parents by all means.
Chinese Journal of Child Health Care
blood lead level
risk factor