针对国产220 t/h循环流化床锅炉的特点,结合工程的具体实际,介绍了一种实现全自动启动循环流化床锅炉的控制策略.采用两台结构简单的就地控制装置实现对锅炉点火用设备进行就地操作和远方DCS切换.在DCS中,用一对独立的控制器(DPU)实现在锅炉启动过程及常规运行时都适用的炉膛安全系统(FSS)和燃烧器控制系统(BCS)的功能.着重叙述了油系统泄漏试验、炉膛吹扫、点火启炉和烟风系统的顺序控制逻辑;指出了CFB锅炉在启动过程中的投煤条件和投煤方式,以及各次风量与给煤量的匹配要求.该控制策略的应用大大降低了锅炉运行人员在机组启动时的操作强度,提高了锅炉运行的自动化水平.
This article describes the control policy adopted in realizing the fully-automatic start - up of the domestic 220 t/h CFBB based on its characteristics and in combination with practice of the project. The policy is characterized by the simplicity of two sets of on - spot control apparatus, which function as on - spot manipulating and remote DCS switching for the control of furnace ignition. A specific dual the Distributed Process Unit (DPU) in DCS is used to realize the function of furnace safety system (FSS) and burner control system (BCS) during furnace start-up phase and normal run. The emphasis is given in this article on the sequence control logic of fuel oil leakage detection, furnace purge, ignition during start-up, smoke/air system. The condition and method of coal feeding, the volume and sequence of air and coal for every feeding are also elaborated. With this control policy, the workloads of the operators during boiler's start - up are greatly reduced and the automation of boiler operation is improved.
Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology Edition)
CFBB, start-up, control, program