
水貂多态蛋白位点与经济性状相关的研究 被引量:4

Studies on Correlation of Blood Protein Polymorphism and Economic Character of Mink
摘要 通过建立一般线性模型对美国短毛黑、大连金州黑和左家型水貂遗传标记的筛选,方差分析表明,Pi-3对左家型水貂皮张长度有显著影响,Pi-3位点与美国短毛黑针绒毛长度比之间存在显著相关,Est是对金州黑水貂体重影响较大的位点,Po是对金州黑水貂针绒毛长度比影响较大的位点,Po和Est对金州黑水貂绒毛长度有显著影响。最小二乘均数结果表明,左家型水貂Pi-3的AA型与AB型间皮长差异显著,美国短毛黑中Pi-3的AA型与AB型间针绒毛长度比差异显著,金州黑水貂Est的AB和BB型体重之间也有显著差异,金州黑水貂Po的AA型与AB型的针绒毛长度比有显著差异,金州黑水貂Po的AA型与BB型和Est的AB和BC基因型之间的绒毛长度也有显著差异。 General linear model was founded for the selection of biochemical genetic marker. The results of least squares variance analysis showed that there was significant difference ( P 〈 0.05) for Pi-3 loci and fur size of Zuojia mink. And there was significant correlation for Pi-3 loci and rate of awn and vellus length of American mink. Est loci affected weight of Jinzhou black mink, Po loci influenced rate of awn and vellus length, Po and Est loci significantly effected vellus length. Least squares means showed that there was genetic correlation for some genetypes loci of protein polymorphism and economic character, which up to significant difference( P 〈 0.05) for AA and AB type. There were significant difference in Pi-3 locus and fur size of Zuojia mink, and rate of awn and vellus length of American mink, for AB and BC type, AB and BB type; in Est loci and weight, for AA type and AB type; in Po loci and rate of awn and vellus length, for AA and AB type; in Po loci and AB and BC type;in Est loci and vellus length of Jinzhou black mink. So there was genetic correlation for some genetypes at loci of protein polymorphism and Economic character.
出处 《经济动物学报》 CAS 2006年第3期137-141,共5页 Journal of Economic Animal
基金 国家科技攻关项目(2004BA502B08)
关键词 水貂 血液蛋白多态性 经济性状 mink blood protein polymorphism economic character
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