
Existence and Asymptotic Behavior of Radially Symmetric Solutions to a Semilinear Hyperbolic System in Odd Space Dimensions

Existence and Asymptotic Behavior of Radially Symmetric Solutions to a Semilinear Hyperbolic System in Odd Space Dimensions
摘要 This paper is concerned with a class of semilinear hyperbolic systems in odd space dimensions. Our main aim is to prove the existence of a small amplitude solution which is asymptotic to the free solution as t →-∞ in the energy norm, and to show it has a free profile as t →+∞. Our approach is based on the work of [11]. Namely we use a weighted L^∞ norm to get suitable a priori estimates. This can be done by restricting our attention to radially symmetric solutions. Corresponding initial value problem is also considered in an analogous framework. Besides, we give an extended result of [14] for three space dimensional case in Section 5, which is prepared independently of the other parts of the paper.
出处 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第5期507-538,共32页 数学年刊(B辑英文版)
基金 Project supported by Grant-in-Aid for Science Research (No.12740105, No.14204011), JSPS.
关键词 Semilinear wave equations Asymptotic behavior Radially symmetric solution 半线性波动方程 渐近行为 放射对称解 存在性
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