The procedures of facics analysis for single well on microcomputer are studied. A method to merge the results of logfacies analysis from individual wells to form an areallithofacies data base is proposed. In respect to single well facies analysis, automatic zoningand correlation between logfacies and lithofacies are accentuated. The author proposes a zon-ing method by weight variance of principal component activity and a general principle re-lating logfacies lithofacies. With respect to multiwell study, the author proposes anotherprinciple of first-classifying-then-merging. Afterwards a logfacies analysis system onmicrocomputer is built on the methods and principles above-mentioned. Applied the systemto an oil field, an areal lithofacies data base is established, Lothofacies profiles obtained fromthe data base match well with that from geology.