
基于恒模算法的室内多用户定位技术 被引量:2

Multi-User Indoor Location Technology Based on Constant Modulus Algorithm
摘要 提出了一种利用恒模算法的室内多用户同时定位技术.该技术可以作为独立的定位算法(CMA-Loca-tion),也可以作为一种辅助技术与其他定位算法相结合(如CMA-REA).模拟表明即使在距离估计误差较大的情况下,利用恒模算法的室内多用户定位技术仍能在很少的迭代次数后取得很好的定位效果,且定位误差不会随用户数目的增加而变大;当作为辅助技术时,能有效提高其他算法的最终定位精度. A multi-user indoor location technology based on constant modulus algorithm (CMA) is presented. Not only can it be used as an independent location algorithm (CMA-Location), but also an assistant method combined with other location algorithms (for example CMA-REA). Simulation results show that although the distance measurement error is large, the presented technology can achieve excellent result after very few iterations, and the error will not be increased with increasing user number, As an assistant method, it improves the final precision of other algorithms effectively.
出处 《复旦学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期495-500,共6页 Journal of Fudan University:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60172021)
关键词 通信技术 室内定位 恒模算法 定位精度 communication technology indoor location constant modulus algorithm positioning accuracy
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