本文借助严复翻译的穆勒经典On Liberty《群己权界论》,在综合前人研究的基础上,旨在对富强与严复对自由的理解这个问题进行再一次尝试性的分析。史华慈认为严复在翻译过程中根本上抹煞了穆勒的个人自由与把个人尊严视为终极价值的想法,而只是从国家的立场讨论取舍的问题。黄克武却认为严复了解穆勒对个人自由的强调,但不能接受穆勒主义中己重群轻的民主观。本文作者同意后者的观点,认为严复十分成功地将穆勒对尊重个性、个人尊严与个人自由的想法引进中国;但也创造性地把自由与国家富强紧密联系在一起,提出“自由为体,富强为用”发展模式。
Through studying Yan Fu's translation of John Mill's classic On Liberty, the author intends to analyze his understanding about "liberty" related to China' s prosperity based on previous studies. Schwartz considers that through the translation, Yan undermines Mill's idea which regards individual liberty and dignity as the ultimate value; he only selects his materials from the state's point of view. However, Huang Kewu believes that although Yan fully understands Mill' s emphasis on the individual liberty, he cannot accept Mill' s democratic view which emphasizes individuals while ignoring the group. The author agrees to the latter' s opinion, and deems that Yan has successfully introduced such ideas as respecting personality, individual dignity and liberty; at the same time, he establishes the innovational relationship between liberty and the prosperity of the country closely, and thus considers "liberty" as the end and "prosperity" as the means.
Journal of Beijing International Studies University
Yan Fu
individual liberty