
著作财产权行使之自由与限制——以法律经济分析为中心 被引量:1

Freedom and Restriction of the Property Right of an Author-Base on Economic Analysis of Law
摘要 基于私法自治之原则下,著作财产权人得依据自己之自由意愿与他人缔结著作财产权之让与或授权契约,使著作财产权得自由转让。然而,基于权利社会化与私法自治有不完善处,于保护考虑著作财产权人之利益同时,亦须考虑社会公共利益,以调和公益与私益。国家对于著作财产权人所享有之著作财产权,应为一定之限制,以符合公共利益。就经济学之理论而言,当资源配置或财产权产生变动,必须变动所增加之效益大于减少之效益时,始符合效率,是限制著作财产权人之行使权利,必须为成本及效益之分析,不得仅以公益为唯一之考量。有鉴于著作权之保护与否及程度,其与国家社会之经济制度具有密切关系,故本文以经济分析之方法,作为讨论著作财产权行使自由与限制之基准,借由经济分析之模式,探讨著作权法与经济学之关联性,检视该法律制度是否可达成效率与财富极大化之目的,以评判保护及限制著作财产权制度之存在功能。准此,本文试以市场机能为基础,于尊重契约自由之原则下,借分析成本效益之方式,探讨契约自由及其限制之必要性,并追求效率及公平之均衡。当限制所产生之效率高于限制之支出成本,为达成效用极大化或财富极大化,始有限制著作财产权人行使权利之必要性。 Base on the principle of autonomy of private law, the property right of an author with free will and others sign transfer or authorization of contract of economic rights. However, The rights tend to goal - based theories and autonomy of private is not perfect, consider the copyright holder' s benefits in the aegis at the same time, must as well consider the social and public benefits, then in harmony with public welfare and private benefit. The nation for economic rights that the property right of an author ' s possess, should for the certain control, then match the public benefits. On the other hand, according to efficiency standpoint, when installation of resources has changes that must be the gain' s welfare larger than the decrease' s welfare, so control over copyright holder to exercise the rights, and it should consider the efficiency factor. The copyright is part of the right of intellectual property, whether protect or not and its degree, it with the technology and economic background of society have germane, so have the necessity with the method of the economic analysis under discussion for economic rights exercise the basis of the freedom and restrict. To study the connection of the law and economic by the mode of the economic analysis and examine whether law system can reach the efficiency and wealth maximization or not, and then estimate system of economic rights' function. This text try regarding market function as the foundation, in the principle that respect freedom of contract, the way of the analysis cost efficiency, study the control' s necessity. The control produce it efficiency higher than control' s expenditure cost, then limited the property right of an author is necessary to reach the economy on biggest efficiency for the purpose. So that, the property right of an author exercise the rights it at the same time, as well get in the autonomy with control, get equilibrium place.
作者 林洲富
出处 《河南省政法管理干部学院学报》 2006年第5期30-40,共11页 Journal of Henan Administrative Institute of Politics and Law
关键词 契约自由 效用极大化 财富极大化 外部性 市场经济 市场机能 freedom of contract utility maximization wealth maximization externalities market economy market mechanism
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