
合作能力与中小企业绩效相关性的实证分析 被引量:2

An Empirical Analysis of the Correlativity between SME Cooperation Capacity and its Performance
摘要 合作能力是一个企业技术能力、管理水平及信息化程度在合作过程中的综合体现,表现为一个企业具有的合作倾向性或与之合作的难易程度。合作能力指数可以从基础管理与技术实力、信息化程度、现有合作形式等三个层面进行分析与度量。通过对江苏省中小机械制造企业进行的统计分析表明:(1)信息化水平与合作能力指数呈现较强的正相关关系;(2)合作能力指数与中小企业绩效呈现弱正相关关系。对此,笔者提出了(1)强化政府在培育发展虚拟企业中的指导与服务职能;(2)发挥中介组织的导向、协调与服务作用;(3)树立合作观念;(4)提高企业信息化水平;(5)积极利用外部资源,培育和发展企业核心能力等建议,以提高中小企业的竞争力。 The cooperation capacity reflects a company's technology, management and informationization in the process of cooperation and indicates the enterprise's intention to cooperate or the difficulty to cooperate with it. The capacity index could be analyzed and measured by basic management and technology, informationization level, and the existing form of cooperation. Statistics about Jiangsu SMEs shows: 1 st, the informationization level and cooperation capacity index has a strong positive correlativity, and 2nd, the cooperation capacity index and performance has a weak positive correlativity. Thus, the paper suggests : 1 st, to consolidate the governmental function of direction and service in the development of the virtual enterprises ; 2nd, to bring the intermediaries into full play in guidance, coordination and service, 3rd, to promote the concept of cooperation, 4th, to raise the informationization level of the enterprises, and 5th, to use the exterior resource actively so as to cultivate and develop the enterprises' competitiveness.
出处 《江苏大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第5期83-86,共4页 Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Edition)
基金 江苏软科学研究项目(BR2004008)
关键词 合作能力 合作能力指数 中小企业 绩效 相关性 cooperation capacity cooperation capacity index SME performance correlativity
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