

On the Innovation regarding Third-party Underwriting and Claim Settlement Information Services
摘要 核保核赔是专业性极强的工作,融合保险、法律、医学、金融财务、心理学、社会学等各方面知识。我国人身保险还处于发展的初级阶段,行业在核保核赔层面还存在这样和那样的问题,很多问题需要通过核保核赔的专业化建设和自主创新来解决。多年运营实践表明,目前我国大部分人身险公司核保核赔相关医学信息的收集所采用的模式存在着诸多弊端,已不适应我国保险业加强自主创新和核保核赔专业化的要求。本文从运营层面,以两核信息收集模式为例,对两核信息服务第三方管理模式创新问题进行探讨。 Underwriting and claim settlement is highly technical with a combination of insurance, laws and regulations, medical sciences, financial accounting, psychology, and sociology, etc. Personal insurance is still at its primary development stage in China, therefore there are some questions left to be solved in underwriting and claim settlement. Many of these problems can only be solved through improvement of the professional level of underwriting and claim settlement and self-independent innovation. The collection of medical information relevant to underwriting and claim settlement is flawed in many aspects which is unfitting to the requirements of stepping up self-independent innovation and improving professional quality of underwriting and claim settlement. This article introduces the innovative concept of third party provision of underwriting and claim settlement information service in China.
出处 《保险研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第8期52-53,共2页 Insurance Studies
关键词 核保核赔 信息服务 第三方管理 创新 underwriting and claim settlement, information service third-party administration innovation
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