VC++工程开发完成时必须制作安装文件,Inno Setup是一个免费的、公开源码的安装制作工具,同时提供了相应的使用方法.文中针对Inno Setup打包VC++工程在安装VC++系统支持文件、ODBC数据源配置、Ac-tiveX控件注册等方面的问题,进行了详细研究并给出了解决方法.
Install file is necessary at the end of the VC + + project, as an open code installer, Inno Setup and its user handbook is freely offered. Common problems of application to packing VC + + project are discussed in the paper, such as installing Visual C + + run - time files, configuration of ODBC database source, registration of ActiveX controller.
Journal of Shaoguan University