Based on the HVQMNR model of heavy flavour production and the BDMPS approach on parton energy loss, we have investigated the energy loss effect of charm quark on (di)muon spectra in forward rapidity region covered by ALICE forward muon spectrometer in Pb+Pb collisions at c.m. energy √snn= 5.5 TeV. Results show that (di)muon spectra are very sensitive to the charm quark energy loss and can provide valuable information on the energy loss of heavy flavours.
Based on the HVQMNR model of heavy flavour production and the BDMPS approach on parton energy loss, we have investigated the energy loss effect of charm quark on (di)muon spectra in forward rapidity region covered by ALICE forward muon spectrometer in Pb+Pb collisions at c.m. energy √snn= 5.5 TeV. Results show that (di)muon spectra are very sensitive to the charm quark energy loss and can provide valuable information on the energy loss of heavy flavours.
Supported by the Grant of Museo Storico della Fisicae Centro Studi e Ricerche ‘Enrico Fermi', the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos 10575044 and 10547118, and the Ministry of Education of China for Scientific Research Project under Grant No 2006-55.