
基于洛仑兹信息度量的三维曲面相似性判别 被引量:1

Comparability determination of 3D surface based on LIM
摘要 针对立体赤足迹身份鉴别的需要,提出了一种基于洛伦兹信息度量的三维曲面相似性判别方法。以高斯曲率和法向量为随机变量,将洛伦兹曲线扩展为三维,得到洛伦兹曲面。以两洛伦兹曲面所夹体积来反映两三维曲面高斯曲率和法向量分布的差异,依此构成了三维曲面的相似性判别方法。对立体赤足迹表面的相似性判别实验表明,该判别方法有效。 To meet the needs of identification through stereo bare footprint, this paper proposed a method for comparability determination of 3D surface based on LIM(Lorentz Information Measure). Taking gauss curvatures and normal vectors as random variables, Lorentz Curve was extended to 3D Lorentz Surface. Reflecting the difference of information measure of two 3D surfaces, the volume between two Lorentz Surfaces was used to determinate the comparability of the two 3D surfaces. The experiment on stereo bare footprint surface indicates that our method is valid.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第9期2092-2094,2104,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60272004)
关键词 生物特征识别 赤足迹 洛伦兹信息度量 高斯曲率 法向量 biometrics recognition bare footprint LIM gauss curvature normal vector
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