

Z Transform Influence in GPS Ambiguity Probabilistic Evaluation
摘要 为了评估整周模糊度求解精度,首先介绍了整周模糊度概率特性的基本理论和z变换的基本思想。对直接归整法和序贯归整法整周模糊度概率特性进行了分析,探讨z变换对序贯归整法整周模糊度概率特性的影响。给出了一个基线解算实例。得出了z变换优化整周模糊度概率特性的结论。 To evaluate ambiguity probabilistic we introduce the theory of GPS ambiguity probabilistic evaluation and z transform first. Then we discuss the probability of Integer Rounding and Integer Bootstrapping. Base on that,we make research on the z transform influence in GPS ambiguity probabilistic evaluation and take out an example of a baseline for analysis. Finally, we draw the conclusion that z transform will improve GPS ambiguity reliability by meliorating ambiguity's probabilistic evaluation.
出处 《海洋测绘》 2006年第5期7-9,27,共4页 Hydrographic Surveying and Charting
关键词 全球定位系统 整周模糊度概率特性 序贯归整法 Z变换 global positioning system ( GPS ) ambiguity probabilistic evaluation integer bootstrapping Z transform
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