目的:观察稳心颗粒治疗心律失常的临床效果及安全性。方法:对112例有(或无)心悸等主观不适,并有心电图及动态心电图证实有心律失常,如频发房性期前收缩、短阵室上性心动过速或心房纤颤、室性期前收缩、或伴有短阵室性心动过速患者,采用单盲法观察。在前一周内未用过其它抗心律失常药物,开始服用稳心颗粒9 g(1袋),3次/d,连续治疗4周,记录患者的症状和不良发应,并有心电图及动态心电图作前后对照。结果:其治疗心律失常的有效率分别为:房早45.80%,室早49.27%,症状缓解86.50%,且无明显不良反应。结论:稳心颗粒对频发房早、室早的总有效率与口服普罗帕酮、胺碘酮等抗心律失常药的有效率相接近;而对窦性心率几无影响,且在减少早搏的同时能减轻症状,这优于普罗帕酮、胺碘酮等。
Objective:To observe the clinical effect and safety of Wenxinkeli on the patients with arrhythmia. Methods: 112 patients who have(or no)palpitation with electrocardiogram and holter proving arrhythmias including superaventricular arrhythmias, premature ventricular beats, ventricular tachycardia were given Wenxinkeli 9 g rid for 4 weeks without other anti-arrhythmias medicine in a week ahead recording the symptoms and the side reaction with electrocardiogram and holter. Results : Effective rate on arrhythmiasis : 45.80 % for atrial premature beats, 49.27 % for premature ventricular beats,86.50 % for symptom lysisand and no obvious side reaction was found. Conclusion:Wenxinkeli is similar in efficiency to propafenone and Amiodarone and other same anti-arrhythmia medicin. However, it is no effect on sinus heart rate and relieve the symptoms as relieving the premature beats which is better than propafenone and Amiodarone.
Practical Clinical Medicine