目的 探讨21年间高血压患病率、脑卒中患病率及二者之间相关性的变化情况,以脑卒中为终点指标评价降压治疗的效果。方法 参照我国高血压抽样调查的有关标准,对1983年普查的1187名职工于2004年进行了第二次高血压和脑卒中的随访调查,并将资料进行对比研究。结果 ①随年龄增长,该人群血压均值和高血压患病率均显著升高,男女之间无差别;②高血压知晓率74.26%,服药率48.3%,控制率6.38%,均较1998年第一次随访时提高。③脑卒中患病率21年升高8.8倍,高血压者脑卒中患病率为18.33%,正常血压者为3.50%,差异显著;④高血压控制达标者与未达标者脑卒中患病率差异显著;⑤脑卒中发病率在50~65岁呈现高峰,平均发病年龄56岁。结论 该人群21年的高血压发病率逐年增高,高血压控制率低,脑卒中患病率高,高血压与脑卒中发病密切相关。应进一步重视高血压与脑卒中的预防,积极开展有关知识的宣传,加强基层企业职工的医疗保健,以降低其发病率。
Objective To explore the incidence of hypertension and stroke, as well as the mutual correlation and to evaluate the curative effects of reducing hypertension with stroke attacks as the terminal index. Methods According to the national sampling method of detecting hypertension, 1187 staff members receiving the mass survey in 1983 got the second follow-up surveys concerning hypertension and stroke. Results (1)The staff members surveyed in 2004 showed higher averages of blood pressure and higher incidences of hypertension with age. (2) The incidences of hypertension, drug-taking and its control were 74.26 %, 48.3 % and 6, 38 % respectively, all higher than those in the first follow-up survey in 1998. (3)The incidence of stroke was 8.8 times as high as that in 1983. The incidences of strokes related to hypertension and of strokes in normal blood pressure cases were 18.33 % and 3.50 % respectively. (4)There existed significant differences between the cases getting good control of hypertension and those who failed. (5)The peak time of stroke attacks was between 50 and 65. The average age of attacks was 56. Conclusion The incidences of hypertension increased with age in the period of 21 years. The cases had lower curative effects in reducing hypertension and had higher incidence of stroke. It is essential to spread the knowledge about the disease and to strengthen the medical care of the staff in the basic units.
Journal of Shandong Medical College
Follow-up survey