本文通过对云南鹤庆地区1985—1988年1月的小震地震波振幅衰减系数变化特征的探讨,比较了两次鹤庆地震在孕震过程中的不同变化形态,讨论了在地震频繁发生地区地震波振幅衰减的不同特征,同时展示了地震孕育、发生以及震后恢复整个过程中地震波的变化特征。 本文同时探讨了孕震区和邻近外围区的大小以及两次鹤庆地震的不同孕震区;主震发生在孕震区和邻近外围区的交界处。
The characteristics of wave amplitude attenuation coefficient variation of small shocks have been explored in the Heiqing region, Yunan province, in 1985-January, 1988. By camparison of different variation of small shocks that had occurred before and after two main events, we studied the different forms of amplitude attenuation in the highly seismic region. The variation characteristics of amplitude attenuation during the whole process of preparedness, occurence and post-adjustment of the main shock have been demonstrated.Meanwhile, the size of the earthquake incubation area and its near surroundings has been discussed. It is suggested that the two main shocks possess different incubation areas, and that the main shocks just occurred at the boundary of their incubation areas.