
基于有限元方法的单搭接接头可靠性设计 被引量:1

Finite element analysis on reliability design of adhesively bonded single lap joint
摘要 将概率统计的设计观念引入单搭接粘接接头,通过有限元分析方法分析了对粘接接头力学性能影响较大的因素,并在抽样100次的情况下,分析了单搭接粘接接头失效的概率。结果表明,该模型可以有效地反映接头的实际情况,为粘接结构的可靠度设计提供了依据。 A design conception on probabilistic statistics was introduced into adhesively bonded single lap joint, and finite element method was applied to analyze the factors which have important influences on the mechanical property of adhesive joint. Using 100 samples the failure probability was concluded. The results showed that the probabilistic model could reflect the real conditions of adhesive joint and provide reference for the probability design in adhesive structure.
出处 《粘接》 CAS 2006年第5期10-11,28,共3页 Adhesion
基金 湖北省教育厅科研计划重大项目(2003Z001)
关键词 单搭接粘接接头 有限元法 Monte-carlo 概率统计 敏感度 adhesively bonded single lap joint finite element method monte-carlo probabilistic statistics sensitivity
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