法国DS dynatec公司成立于1946年.致力于机械行业的开发、生产和产品在全球的销售.
DS dynatec的合作伙伴:
在各种创新行业中,寻求值得信赖的伙伴.共同探索面向客户的解决流体控制与旋转运动的自动化的最佳方案.主要行业有煤气、玻璃、造纸工业,核工业,造船业.航天技术,汽车工业,兵器行业等:通过了ISO9001-2000,压力设备指南PED 97/23/EG,Atex,DVGW-EN 161.
DS dynatec, French Mechanical Industry since 1946, develops, produces and sells worldwide.
DS dynatec Partners:
All branches of innovative industries searching a reliable partner and a customised solution for an optimal automation of control of fluids and rotary motions: Gas,glass and paper industry, Nuclear industry, Navy, Space technology, Car industry, Armaments industry and Soon.
Hydraulics Pneumatics & Seals