
计算化学反应中等效介电系数经验公式的改进 被引量:2

Improved formula to calculate effective permittivity of chemical reaction
摘要 为了在化学领域中更好地应用微波能,需要深入研究微波与化学反应相互作用的机理.由于等效介电系数常常被用来描述在化学反应中微波的吸收和传输情况,因而,化学反应中反应物的等效介电系数就成为微波化学研究的关键问题之一.基于反应溶液中单位体积内的分子个数随温度变化的情况对黄卡玛提出的经验公式进行了改进.以碘化钾和高锰酸钾两个氧化还原反应为例,对实验结果和计算结果进行了分析比较,结果表明其具有很好的一致性,而且计算精度较改进前的公式得到了改善. The interaction between microwave and chemical reaction needs to be further studied for better application of microwaves to chemistry. The effective permittivity can be used to describe the molecular polarization of the mixture in the reaction and consequently be used to calculate the transmission and absorption of microwave in the reaction mixture. An improved formula based on H uang's empirical formula was proposed to calculate the effective permittivity of chemical reaction at any temperature and reaction time by means of the temperature dependent number of molecules per unit volume of reaction solution. The calculated results measured results of effective permittivity of two different redox reactions were in good agreement with the and better than that of the original formula.
作者 华伟 杨晓庆
出处 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第9期2111-2115,共5页 CIESC Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60471045).~~
关键词 等效介电系数 经验公式 氧化还原反应 effective permittivity empirical formula redox reaction
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