
铁路充电间酸雾治理措施的研究 被引量:2

The Study on Acid Fog Harnessing Measurement in Railway Charging Room
摘要 酸性蓄电池在铁路内应用较多。充电过程中散发的酸雾为气溶胶,酸雾对人体和设备可造成危害,必须采取通风措施进行治理。在通风设计中,应对车间空气的含氢气量、换气次数进行计算,以保证通风效果。排气罩是通风系统中关键部件,通过对多种罩口型式的比较,说明活动式密闭罩是控制酸雾扩散的较好罩口形式。冲击式填料酸雾净化塔,以氢氧化钠溶液为吸收液,可使酸雾的排放浓度达到国家卫生标准。 Acid battery chargers have been more applied in railway. Dispersing acid fog is called aerosol in course of charging. Because acid fog may bring about harm to human being and facility. Therefore we must take ventilation measurement to harness. In order to assure ventilation effect,We should calculate hydric amount contained and exchange gas time at workshop in ventilation design. Exhaust hood is key part in ventilation system. The active hermetic hood is better way to control acid fog dispersion by comparion with various hood. The discharging concentration of acid fog going through the shock filling acid fog-clean tower as absorption fluid with NaOH solution attatins the standard of country health.
出处 《铁道劳动安全卫生与环保》 1996年第3期181-183,共3页 Railway Occupational Safety Health & Environmental Protection
关键词 铁路 充电间 酸雾 治理 Railway charging room,Acid fog harness,Technical measurement
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