混波室(Reverberation Chamber)作为一种新型的电磁兼容的测量设备,由于其自身的优越性,受到越来越多的关注。应用于混频室内的天线对频带宽度的要求比较高,需要天线能覆盖很宽的频带。本文提出一种工作频率为2GHz-10GHz的宽带加脊喇叭天线的设计方法,利用AnsoftHFSS 9软件进行建模仿真,从简化设计以及降低加工难度的角度出发,将喇叭天线的物理尺寸尽可能的减小以方便在空间有限的混波室内使用。将仿真结果与现有喇叭天线实测结果相比较,结果表明,该天线在所设计频带内匹配良好!物理尺寸仅为现有商用喇叭天线的2/3左右。
Broadband antennas, due to the large frequency bands required by standards, are the work horse of electromagnetic compatibility testing. The size of the traditionally horn antenna are too large to used in the reverberation chamber. The paper suggests a simplify design of a small 2G - 10G broadband ridged horn which to be used in the reverberation chamber , it gets some ideal result using Ansoft electromagnetic simulation software. The test results show that the antenna matches well in the frequency band.
Journal of Communication University of China:Science and Technology