

Analyzing the Equal Issue in Higher Education ——Taking Anyang City in Henan Province for Example
摘要 高等教育不公平的主要原因是区域经济发展的不平衡。就河南省安阳市来说,高中教育薄弱,也是制约安阳市高等教育发展的瓶颈之一。实现高等教育公平的途径一是平衡教育资源,充分发挥政府在教育均衡发展中的主导作用;二是确定高等教育的发展规模和增长速度,维护人才总量及结构供需基本平衡;三是改革高考制度,调整各地录取分数线,等。 The main reason of the unequal higher education is the unequal economic development in different regions. In the case of Anyang city in Henan Province, the education level in the high school is not high, and it is one of the reasons that restrict the development of higher education in Anyang. There are three ways to realize the equal higher education. The first way is to balance the educational resources and bring the leading role of the government into full play; Another way is to make sure the developing scale and speed of higher education and keep the balance of qualified personnel; The last one is to reform the college entrance examination and adjust the enrolling marking line.
作者 李宏
机构地区 安阳工学院
出处 《安阳工学院学报》 2006年第5期151-153,共3页 Journal of Anyang Institute of Technology
关键词 安阳市 高等教育 公平 Anyang city higher education equality
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