A comparative study of the modeof resistance inheritance and some physiological and agronomic traits has beenconducted on the control plants and thetransgenic plants from soybean line83117 to which an atrazine-resistancegene was transferred. By examining theresponse of leaves to atrazine spray,molecular hybridization with a probe,assaying with flurescence induction kinetics and by examining the response ofplants to atrazine spray in field, it hasbeen proved that the resistance genetransferred into soybean plants has beennot only expressed in F1 generation, butalso transmitted to the progenies (7thgeneration in 1993) (Table 1 and Fig.1 ). The experiment of reciprocal crossing (transgenic plant×control plant;control plant×transgenic plant ) hasproved that, the trait involved:in theresistance to atrazine of F1 plant is thesame as that of its mother plant(Table 2and Fig. 2), implying that this trait isinherited maternally, so this gene is acytoplasmic one, located in the chloroplast. The results of photosynthesismeasurements(Table 3), seed composition analysis(Table 4) and examinationof agronomic traits (plant height, 100grain weight and yield per plant )(Table 5) indicated that there was nosignificant difference between the transgenic plants and these of the originalline, so the resistance gene had no adverse effect on these traits. Whensprayed with atrazine, the transgenicplants showed resistance to atrazine(Fig. 1 and Table 6).