

The norm management for mud logging standard materials.
摘要 国内录井仪器校定或校验用的标准气样尚存在不统一和不规范的问题,在一定程度上制约了录井解释评价参数的准确性和可比性。针对此问题,文章提出一些观点。标准气体属于标准物质的范畴,从加强标准物质管理角度出发,阐述了标准物质的基本内涵和要求;介绍了申报标准物质的途径、方法和技术指标以及鉴定过程、内容和等级;探讨了标准气体量值的具体测量与检验方法和制作标准气体的具体要求;指出录井行业应尽快组织制定相关标准气体技术规范,全面提高录井解释评价参数精度。加强有关标准物质的管理,这对应用标准气体的录井企业、从事标准气体生产的厂家以及对从事录井作业监督检查的第三方都具有现实意义。 The standard gas samples used for calibrating mud logging instrument in China have been still existed the problem of un-integrated and abnormal, thus constrained the accuracy and comparability of mud logging interpretation parameters on certain extent. Due to this problem, the authors provided some viewpoints. The standard gases are belong to the range of the standard materials, set out from the aspect of enhancing the management of the standard materials, the paper stated the basic connotation and requirement, introduced the way, the method, the technical index and the process, content and degree for identifying of the applying standard, discussed the standard gas quantity values of the concrete measurement and examining method, the concrete requirement for making the standard gases, pointed that mud logging industry should organize to draft the technical norm for the related standard gases as soon as possible, then can improve the accuracy of mud logging evaluating parameters comprehensively. Strengthening the management of the related standard materials has the real meaning for mud logging industry that uses the standard gases, the manufacture of engaging in the production of the standard gases and the third party of engaging in the supervise and examination of mud logging operation.
出处 《录井工程》 2006年第3期32-35,共4页 Mud Logging Engineering
关键词 标准物质 气样 定义 测量方法 鉴定 标定 技术规范 standard material, gas sample, definition, measuring method, identify, calibrate, technical norm








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