
河北省农村居民营养与健康状况调查分析 被引量:9

Village resident nourishment of Hebei investigates with health condition
摘要 目的了解1992年全国营养调查以后河北省农村居民膳食结构,营养素摄入和健康状况的变化及其趋势。方法对3367户农村家庭11627人进行了体格检查获得身高、体重、血压并采血检测血红蛋白、血脂、空腹血糖,诊断和统计超重、肥胖、高血压、贫血、血脂异常、糖尿病、空腹血糖受损等患病率;同时对其中1080户进行膳食调查获得人均日食物消费量和营养素摄入量,综合评价居民膳食结构和健康状况。结果调查表明目前河北农村居民食物消费是植物性膳食模式,与1992年相比膳食结构与营养状况发生了较大的变化:谷类食品消费减少,肉与肉制品、蛋奶豆类及其制品消费比10年前增加但仍不足,油脂消费增加超过平衡膳食宝塔提出的参考摄入量,食盐摄入过多,钙、维生素A摄入严重不足。与10年前比较学龄儿童青少年身高、体重增加显著;18岁以上成人标化患病率:超重率30·4%,肥胖率13·4%,高血压率25·9%,糖尿病率1·8%,糖耐量受损率0·98%,血脂异常率25·0%;单项血脂成分患病率:高甘油三脂血症15·3%,高胆固醇血症3·2%,胆固醇边缘升高3·5%,低高密度脂蛋白血症10·8%;贫血标化患病率8·7%,贫血高发年龄是学龄前儿童(16·5%)和青年妇女(16%)。结论河北农村18岁及以上成人人群超重、肥胖、高血压、血脂异常等患病率高于全国水平;农村居民膳食结构、饮食和健康问题需要高度关注,由于营养引起慢性病患病形势严峻,急需加强膳食指导和营养干预,保障人们的身体健康。 Objective To study the changes of the food and nutrients intake and health trends in rural population of Hebei Province since 1992 with the society economy development rapidly. Methods Using the multi-stage cluster random sampling method, investigating the body high, weight, blood pressure, Haemoglobin, blood lipids, blood glucose, of 11627 population from 2700 households, and the food consumption and nutrients intakes of 1080 households, to analyses and assess the dietary pattern and mortality of chronic diseases. Results The results showed that plant food is main food consumption pattern and changed remarkably since the 1992. Although the meat, egg, milk and beat consumption was more than 1992 their intakes are insufficient. The fat food and the salt intakes increased while CA and VA intakes were very insufficient. Weighs values in the school children aged 7-17 were significantly higher than those in 1992. The prevalence of overweight, obese, high blood pressure, diabetes, abnormal blood sugar were 30.4%, 13.4 %, 25.9 %, 1.8 % ,0.98 %,respectively in adults aged over 18. The rate of abnormal blood lipid 25.0%, high TG, TC, verge TC, low HDL-C were 15.3% , 3.2% , 3.5% , 10.8% . The standardized prevalence of anemia 8.7% and 16% for preschool children and younger woman respectively. Conclusion The prevalence of overweight, obese, hypertension and abnormal blood lipids in adult population of rural Hebei Province were higher than the average levels in whole country. Sufficient attention should be paid to nutrition diet, heath and some chronic diseases related to nutrition in rural residents, the dietary guidance and nutrition interference need to strengthen and ensure people health.
出处 《卫生研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期621-624,共4页 Journal of Hygiene Research
关键词 膳食结构 营养与慢性病 农村居民 meal construction, nourishment and chronic disease, rural resident
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