Coronary artery fistula is a rare heart defect found in approximately 0.2%of the adult population undergoing coronary angiography. The diagnosis is usually m ade by aortography and selective coronary angiography. We report here an adult p atient with rheumatic mitral stenosis and left anterior descending coronary arte ry and pulmonary conus branch of right coronary artery-pulmonary artery fistula s detected by coronary angiography.
Coronary artery fistula is a rare heart defect found in approximately 0.2% of the adult population undergoing coronary angiography. The diagnosis is usually made by aortography and selective coronary angiography. We report here an adult patient with rheumatic mitral stenosis and left anterior descending coronary artery and pulmonary conus branch of right coronary artery-pulmonary artery fistulas detected by coronary angiography.