
配送系统优化中的客户分组 被引量:1

Client Grouping in Distribution System Optimization
摘要 基于配送周期的客户分组以个体最佳配送日期为主要分组标准,基于空间距离的客户分组以客户空间距离的邻近程度为主要分组标准.为了说明客户分组对配送调度方案的影响,构造了均匀分布于50,100,200 km2范围内的3组模拟客户集合,分别基于配送周期以及空间距离进行客户分组研究,得到了相应的分组方案及系统总费用.结果表明,基于配送周期的分组方案在客户分布较为密集时较有优势,基于空间距离的分组方案在客户分布较为分散时较有优势. Client grouping based on distribution period was classified by taking the optimal distribution dates for individual clients as the criterion, and that based on distribution distance was classified by taking the closeness between clients as the criterion. To clarify the influence of client grouping on distribution schemes,a set of three simulated clients that evenly distribute in 50, 100 and 200 m^2 zones were studied. The two grouping schemes, which are based on distribution period and distance, respectively, and the total costs were determined. The results show that client grouping based on distribution period or that based on distribution distance is preferable when clients distribute densely or sparsely, respectively.
作者 李宗平 蒋赛
出处 《西南交通大学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期594-598,共5页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University
基金 四川省应用基础项目(04JY029-056-1)
关键词 配送系统 客户分组 优化 物流 库存管理 distribution system grouping of clients optimization logistics inventory management
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