

Applications of Stochastic Beams for Characteristics of UWB Indoor Multipath Channels
摘要 从随机桥过程出发引入随机波束概念,使用随机波束研究超宽带(UWB)室内多径信道的传播特性。将UWB信号多径传播轨迹视作随机过程的样本,得到建模多径信道传播特性的随机波束。使用随机波束构建UWB信道的多径传播模型,并给出使用随机波束方法分析UWB室内多径信道特性的算法。使用该信道模型对实际传播环境进行仿真分析,并与其它建模UWB多径信道的方法进行了比较。仿真得到的UWB信道的功率延迟分布特性与实验测量的结果非常一致,证明此方法的有效性。 Based on stochastic bridge processes, an idea of stochastic beams is introduced, which can be used to exploit the propagation characteristics of Uhra-wideband (UWB) indoor multipath channels. The propagation trajectories of UWB muhipath components are treated as samples of stochastic process, stochastic beams for modeling propagation characteristics of muhipath channels thus obtained, based on which UWB muhipath propagation channel model is constructed. The simulation algorithm is described for properties of UWB channels by using stochastic beams; the derived UWB channel model is utilized to analyze practical propagation environment, and the comparison with other modeling method is discussed. The simulation results demonstrate that the power delay profiles obtained from stochastic beams method correspond well with of the method using stochastic beams. the experimental values, which validate the effectiveness
出处 《中国电子科学研究院学报》 2006年第4期313-318,共6页 Journal of China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.60572024) 教育部博士点基金项目(No.200509230031)
关键词 无线通信 超宽带 随机波束 信道模型 wireless communications ultra-wideband stochastic beams channel models
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