目的:建立西洋参含片中人参皂苷Rg_1、Re、Rb_1的HPLC测定方法。方法:色谱柱:Alltech C_(18)柱(4.6mm×150mm,5μm),保护柱:Security Guard C_(18)(4mm×3.0mm),流动相:乙腈-水,梯度洗脱,流速1.0mL·min^(-1)。ELSD:雾化气体流速2.7L·min^(-1),漂移管温度115℃。样品经粉碎后,用70%甲醇水溶液超声提取30min,离心,取上清液过滤进样。结果:梯度洗脱时基线平直,线性范围:0.0100~1.00mg·mL^(-1);人参皂苷Rg_1、Re、Rb_1的相关系数分别为0.9995,0.9996,0.9986;检出限分别为40,40,25ng(S/N>3)。加样回收率:87.8%~105.2%,RSD在1.2%~4.8%之间。结论:该方法前处理简单,分析准确、快速(一次分析在40min内完成),可作为同时测定多种人参皂苷成分含量的方法。
Objective: To establish a simple,accurate method of RP -HPLC with ELSD( evaporative light scattering detector)to determine quantitatively the three main ginsenosides Rg1, Re, Rb1 in buccal slices. Method: The method was developed with the condition as follows: Alhech C18 column (4.6 mm×150 mm,5μm), Dikma security guard C18 (4 mm×3.0 mm). Gradient elution was employed with the mobile phase of acetonitrile -pure water at the speed of 1.0 mL· min ^- 1. ELSD : gas flow, 2.7 L·min^ - 1 ; temperature of the drift tube, 115 ℃. powdered sample was ultrasonically axtracted in 70% methanol for 30 min, then centrifuged and filtrated before injection. Results:The base line of the chromatogram was straight with gradient elution. The three contents were all linear over the range 0.0100 - 1.00 mg·mL^- 1. ginsenoside Rg1 : r = 0. 9995, ginsenoside Re : r = 0. 9996, ginsenoside Rb1: r =0.9986,and the limits of detection were 40,40,25 ng(S/N 〉3) respectively. Recoveries of the added sample was 87.8% - 105.2%. RSD was between1.2% and 4.8%. Conclusion :With its accuracy ,sensitivity ,reproducibility as well as the simplicity of sample preparation,the method is feasible for quality control of buccal slices.
Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis