Replicas can improve the data reliability in distributed system. However, the traditional algorithms for replica management are based on the assumption that all replicas have the uniform reliability, which is inaccurate in some actual systems. To address such problem, a novel algorithm is proposed based on dynamic programming to manage the number and distribution of replicas in different nodes. By using Markov model, replicas management is organized as a multi-phase process, and the recursion equations are provided. In this algorithm, the heterogeneity of nodes, the expense for maintaining replicas and the engaged space have been considered. Under these restricted conditions, this algorithm realizes high data reliability in a distributed system. The results of case analysis prove the feasibility of the algorithm.
Replicas can improve the data reliability in distributed system. However, the traditional algorithms for replica management are based on the assumption that all replicas have the uniform reliability, which is inaccurate in some actual systems. To address such problem, a novel algorithm is proposed based on dynamic programming to manage the number and distribution of replicas in different nodes. By using Markov model, replicas management is organized as a multi-phase process, and the recursion equations are provided. In this algorithm, the heterogeneity of nodes, the expense for maintaining replicas and the engaged space have been considered. Under these restricted conditions, this algorithm realizes high data reliability in a distributed system. The results of case analysis prove the feasibility of the algorithm.