

Autoantibodies and Immunologic Function in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: 20 Cases Analysis
摘要 背景:一般认为血清抗线粒体抗体M2亚型(AMA-M2)阳性是诊断原发性胆汁性肝硬化(PBC)的必备标准,但仍存在一定比例的AMA-M2阴性PBC患者。因此,了解PBC患者的自身抗体谱和免疫功能有助于PBC的诊断。目的:分析PBC患者的自身抗体和免疫功能,探讨其对PBC的诊断价值。方法:连续纳入确诊的PBC患者20例,以免疫印迹法检测肝特异性自身抗体,以间接免疫荧光法检测肝非特异性自身抗体,以免疫散射比浊法检测免疫球蛋白和补体;13例患者行肝穿刺活检组织病理学检查。结果:本组PBC患者女性多于男性(17:3),年龄39~75岁,平均57.2岁±2.1岁。肝特异性自身抗体中AMA-M2阳性最为多见(40%),其次为核点蛋白SP100抗体(15%)、肝肾微粒体1型(LKM-1)抗体(15%)、GP210抗体(10%)和肝细胞溶质抗原Ⅰ型(LC-1)抗体(10%);肝非特异性自身抗体以抗核抗体(ANA)检出率最高(70%);IgA、IgM和IgG升高者均占50%。结论:自身抗体,尤其是血清AMA-M2阳性是诊断PBC的重要依据之一,但多种蛋白在PBC病程中均有表达,且临床上有相当比例的AMA-M2阴性PBC患者。其他肝特异性自身抗体,如SP100抗体、GP210抗体等以及临床特点和肝穿刺活检对AMA-M2阴性PBC的诊断有重要价值。 Background: Serum antimitochondrial antibody-M2 (AMA-M2) is considered to be a prerequisite for the diagnosis of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), however, there are a portion of AMA-M2-negative PBC patients. Thus it is very important to understand the autoantibodies spectrum and immunologic function for the diagnosis of PBC. Aims: To investigate the autoantibodies, immunologic function and their diagnostic value in PBC. Methods: Twenty cases of consecutive PBC patients were enrolled in the study. Liver-specific autoantibodies were detected by immunoblotting, non-liver-specific autoantibodies by indirect immunofluorescence, and immunoglobulin and complement by nephelometry. Liver biopsies were processed for histopathology in 13 PBC patients, Results: Among the patients enrolled in this study, 3 were males and 17 females, the age ranged from 39 to 75 years with the mean age 57.2 years±2.1 years. The positivity rates of liverspecific autoantibodies were as follows: AMA-M2 40%, nuclear dot-associated protein SP100 antibody 15%, liver-kidney microsomes type 1 (LKM-1) antibody 15%, GP210 antibody 10%, and liver cytosolic antigen type 1 (LC-1)antibody 10%. The positivity rate of non-liver-specific autoantibody antinuclear antibody (ANA) was 70%. Increased IgA, IgM and IgG were found in 10 patients, respectively. Conclusions: Autoantibodies are present in PBC patients, and serum AMA-M2 is one of the most important indexes in the diagnosis of PBC, however, other proteins also express in the course of disease. There are a portion of AMA-M2-negative PBC patients in the clinics, Therefore, other liver-specific autoantibodies such as SP100 antibody, GP210 antibody are important in the diagnosis of AMA-M2-negative PBC, and the clinical features as well as liver biopsy are also invaluable.
出处 《胃肠病学》 2006年第9期547-549,共3页 Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology
关键词 胆汁性肝硬化 原发性 自身抗体 诊断 Biliary Cirrhosis, Primary Autoantibodies, Diagnosis
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