

Application of conjoint analysis to estimate expected market share of hospital
摘要 目的:采用联合分析法分析住院病人的就医偏好信息,模拟出各种医院在医疗市场中的预期市场占有率,为医院的自身建设提供辅助意见。方法:调查了北京市和重庆市区内15家三级甲等综合性医院中可以自由选择医院就医的住院病人200例,采用联合分析方法分析,确定医院各属性不同水平的相对重要性,模拟不同医院在医疗市场中的预期市场占有率。结果:联合分析方法可以预测病人在选择就诊医院时的偏好,自费病人与医保病人的就医偏好趋向一致,主要考虑医院的卫生条件,其次是收费情况和医师的技术条件,就医距离对病人选择就诊医院来说并不重要。结论:联合分析方法可以较好地分析病人的就医偏好,对医院建设和发展具有重要的参考价值。 Objective: To research the preference information and simalate the maaket shares of different hospitals in the medical market by means of conjoint analysis, and to analyze the change in market share and offer the predicted suggestion for hospital's development. Method:200 patients form 15 comprehensive hospitals in Beijing and Chongqing were enrolled in this study. 18 virtual hospitals with different lagidums and levels were listed and the subjects were asked to answer the survey questionnaires. Then the conjoint analysis was used to analyze the obtained data and to estimate the change of market share of hospital in the medical market. Results: The order of preference of patients receiving medical treatment was healthy conditions〉treatment expanse〉doctors' technique〉serve quality. The distance from hospital was not important factor when patients selected a hospital. Conjoint analysis could be used to estimate accurately the change of expected market share of a hospital. Conclusion:Conjoint analysis can be used to predict the patients' preference when they select the hospital, which is very important to hospital construction and development.
出处 《西南国防医药》 CAS 2006年第5期498-500,共3页 Medical Journal of National Defending Forces in Southwest China
关键词 联合分析方法 医院 市场占有率 发展策略 conjoint analysis, market share, hospital, medical market
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