The distribution of zeros of solutions of the advanced differential equations with an advanced variable x′(t)-P(t)x(τ(t))=0,t≥t0 is studied, where P(t)∈C([t0,∞),R^+),τ:[t0,∞)→R^+ are continuously differentiable and strictly increasing,τ(t)≥t and limt→∞τ(t)=∞.The estimate for the distance between adjacent zeros of the oscillatory solution of the above equation is obtained.
The distribution of zeros of solutions of the advanceddifferential equations with an advanced variablex′(t)-P(t)x(τ(t)) = 0, t≥ t0is studied, whereP(t) ∈ C([t0, ∞), R+), τ: [t0, ∞) →R+ are continuously differentiable and strictly increasing,τ (t) ≥ t and lim→∞τ (t) = ∞. The estimate for the distance between adjacent zeros of the oscillatory solution of the above equation is obtained.