Critics in China have recently written against that they see as a whole series of misreadings of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. This article offers a critique of monistic views of literary meaning underlying such attacks by calling attention to some of the most interesting insights produced by the symbolist, the formal-linguistic, the postcolonial and the feminist perspectives on the novella. I argue that, while it's perfectly right to warn against overinterpretation, the complexity of a work such as Heart of Darkness does seem to invite new interpretations. Reexamining Conrad's use of symbols and language, for instance, enables us to get a glimpse of the semantic complexity of the text while analyzing cross-racial and gender politics helps reveal other possibilities of the book's interpretation. Heart of Darkness does more than condemn the evils of colonialism. As a literary text, it still carries numerous other things awaiting readers' discoveries.
Journal of Soochow University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)