An equation of state (EOS) applicable for both the uniform and non-uniform fluids was established by using the density-gradient expansion, in which the influence parameter x[ρ(r),T] was obtained by the use of direct correlation function. The density functional theory (DFT) provides a framework under which both the phase equilibria and interfacial properties can be investigated within a single set of molecular parameters. The phase equilibria inside the critical region can be improved by the renormalization group theory (RGT). However, the correction of interfacial properties by DFT and RGT is computationally difficult. In the present work, the density gradient theory (DGT) in which κ[ρ(r),T] is treated as a constant is used to combine with the RGT for interfacial properties inside the critical region.
An equation of state (EOS) applicable for both the uniform and non-uniform fluids was established by using the density-gradient expansion, in which the influence parameter x[ρ(r),T] was obtained by the use of direct correlation function. The density functional theory (DFT) provides a framework under which both the phase equilibria and interfacial properties can be investigated within a single set of molecular parameters. The phase equilibria inside the critical region can be improved by the renormalization group theory (RGT). However, the correction of interfacial properties by DFT and RGT is computationally difficult. In the present work, the density gradient theory (DGT) in which κ[ρ(r),T] is treated as a constant is used to combine with the RGT for interfacial properties inside the critical region.
Project Supported by the National Naturai Science Foundation of'C-hina (No. 20576030) and the Key Program Foundation from the North China Electric Power University.