
华北晚古生代含煤岩系以层序古地理为背景的聚煤特征 被引量:5

Coal Accumulation of Coal bearing Formation of Late Paleozoic in the Background of Sequence Stratigraphic Paleogeography in North China Platform
摘要 华北晚古生代含煤盆地是我国最大的含煤盆地。笔者通过对盆内49个典型剖面,50个辅助剖面的环境分析,以及层序地层学研究,将其划分为Ⅰ—Ⅲ级层序及Ⅳ级准层序,共4级地层单元。Ⅳ级准层序相当副层序。一个Ⅳ级准层序内所含的煤体称为煤层。全区自晚石炭世至晚二叠世早期所限定的7个成煤期内,共圈出煤组7个,煤层20层以上,以B3,D2,G71煤层最具工业价值。B3煤层分布于盆地北部,G71煤层分布于盆地南部,D2煤层全盆地均有分布。煤层聚积受多种因素控制。 Late Paleozoic coal bearing basin of North China is the largest in China.The analysis of the environment of 49 typical profiles and 50 auxiliaryprofiles in the basin and the study of sequence stratigraphy suggest that the coal bearing formation of Late Paleozoic in North China can be devided into sequence Ⅰ Ⅲ and parasequence Ⅳ,totally four stratigraphic units.Coal bodies accurring in parasequence Ⅳ are called seams.Within the seven coal forming periods restricted to from Late Carboniferous to early Late Permian,there are seven coal groups and more than 20 seams defined in the whole area,of which seams B 3,D 2and G 7 1 are economically important.Seam B 3 distributed in the northern part of the basin,G 7 1 in the southern part of it and D 2 in the whole area.Structural activities and fluctuation of sea level are the most important ones among the multiple coal accumulation controlling factors.
出处 《华北地质矿产杂志》 1996年第4期587-595,共9页
关键词 含煤岩系 层序地层 煤矿床 地层 聚煤特征 Late Paleozoic,coal bearing formation,sequence stratigraphy,coal accumulation,North China platform
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