
米非司酮终止早孕的超声监测与分析 被引量:1

Clinical Study on Mifepristone and Misoprostol to End the Early Pregnancy
摘要 目的:探讨安全使用米非司酮配伍米索前列醇终止早孕的方法。方法:观察600例早孕妇女服药后孕囊排出时间、出血量及其与孕龄、孕次及孕妇年龄的关系。对服药后出血多或流产后阴道出血超过10 d者行超声检查。结果:服药4 h之内孕囊排出者占91.00%,孕龄、孕次及孕妇的年龄与孕囊排出的时间和服药后出血量无明显关系。服药6 h后孕囊未排出者,出血量明显增加,超声检查提示宫腔内有孕囊或混合性光团存在。结论:孕49 d内,药物流产成功率不会因孕龄的增加而下降,且与孕妇的年龄、孕次无关,服药6 h后未排出孕囊者,应行清宫术。 Objective: To explore the methods of safely using mifepristone together with misoprostol to end the early pregnancy. Methods: 600 early pregnant women were divided into two groups. A group were 1he gestational sac excluded in six hours after obeying medicine, B group were the gestational sac not excluded in six hours after obeying medicine. Those whose gestational sac didnt excluded in six hours after to obeying medicine were performed ultrasonic examination. Results: pregnant age, gestational times, pregnant women's age were no relation with time of the gestational sac excluded and bleed volume. Conclusion: Within 49 days, the effect of medical abortion didn't descend with increasing of the gestational age and had nothing to do with the, age or gestational times. Those who gestational sac didn t excluded in six hours after obeying medicine had to be performed operation.
出处 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第19期2726-2727,共2页 Maternal and Child Health Care of China
关键词 米非司酮 早孕 流产 超声 Mifepristone Early pregnancy Abortion Uhrasonography
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