提出了一种基于FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)和软核CPU的嵌入式系统设计的新方法。FPGA芯片选用A ltera公司的Cyclone系列芯片作为处理器,配合A ltera公司的NIOS软核嵌入式处理器构成整个系统的核心;操作系统采用μC/OS嵌入式系统,并移植到FPGA平台上;外围添加USB接口作为扩展接口,使用Cypress公司的EZ_USB系列芯片;整个系统以FPGA和NIOS为中心进行设计,外围接口包括JTAG、串口、USB口等。给出了系统硬件架构以及与USB芯片的接口应用电路。
This paper proposes a new method for embedded system designing, based on FPGA and softcore CPU. The system uses Cyclone series devices and NIOS provided by Ahera company to be the core of system. The μC/OS is chosen as the operating system and transplanted to FPGA. The system has USB interface, using EZ_USB series USB interface control chip provided by Cypress company. The core of system is FPGA and NIOS. The system has several interfaces, including JTAG, COM, USB. This paper also expatiates the frame of hardware and its interface circuit with USB.
Electronic Engineer