
关于语法的哲学思考 被引量:1

A Philosophical Perspective of Grammar
摘要 语法其实并不具有独立的表意功能。因此,用语法来约束人们的语言表达方式并不具备坚实的语法哲学基础。群众语言的创造性天性,使得语言的形式化变得非常重要,这样才能使语言具有可演绎性。汉语由于可演绎性程度偏低,而导致了“脑筋急转弯”之类的语言恶作剧。语法的本质实际上就是语言习惯与语义逻辑之间的整合。语法应该建立在广泛的语言用法调查的基础上,这样才能避免语法规则脱离群众的“贵族化”倾向。 In fact grammar does not have independent expressive function. Therefore, the idea to restrain people' s way of expression through grammar in language does not hold solid philosophical foundation. The gift of creativeness for languages makes it important for the form of language, thus rendering languages deductive. Due to the relatively low deductiveness, there exist the tricks like "quick tunas of the brains" in the Chinese language. In essence grammar is the integration of language habits and the logic of semantics. Grammar must be built upon the investigation of the use of languages so as to avoid the tendencv of the linguistic rules above the practice of the broad masses.
作者 张功耀
机构地区 中南大学哲学系
出处 《长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第3期25-29,共5页 Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology:Social Science
关键词 语法 语言 哲学 grammar philosophy
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  • 1[1]See Emilio Segrè's "From Falling Bodies To Radio Waves",W.H.Freeman And Company New York,1984,P55.
  • 2[4]Eric P.Hamp,Historical Sketch of English Language,In "The Randomhouse Dictionary Of The English Language",2nd edition,Unabridged,1983.
  • 3[5]Eric P.Hamp,Historical Sketch of English Language,in Stuart Berg Flexner (editor in chief),"The Random House Dictionary Of The English Language",2nd edition,Unabridged,1987.
  • 4[6]Randolph quirk,with the others,a comprehensive grammar of the English langusge,longman world publishing corp.,1985,vol.1.


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